Everyone has that moment—the realization that adulthood has arrived, like a runaway train, and there's no getting out of its way. Now that I think about it, my 20s have taken me through a lot of personal growth. I went to college, then scored my first real job, moved out, quit that job, got another one, became an entrepreneur, started my blog, fell in love, fell out of love, met the love of my life, got married, moved to a new city. Everything I ever hoped I would do in my 20s, and so much more. And now, it is my 29th birthday this week.

As I approach what will be the last year of my 20’s, here are 29 lessons that took me 29 years to learn;
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but self-confidence leads to self-realization and successful achievement.
A beauty with brains is not a myth.
Loyalty to your job will not be reciprocated. Do not be loyal to your job, be loyal to your career. For as long as your path and goals are parallel with those of your employer, work. If you feel it is time to move, move. do not even for a second begin thinking of yourself as irreplaceable.
Be the dumbest person in the room. Surround yourself with people smarter and more successful than you.
Forgive. Everyone, for everything.
Comparing yourself to others is a curse. One of the most significant mistake we make as humans is the measuring of oneself against the standards, work or accomplishments of another. This exercise is fruitless, demeaning and tragic because it places our true potential at the mercy of others, giving them the right to determine and define our success. True success is what you have done compared to what you could have done.
You can, you should and if you are brave enough, you will.
Try the power of prayer. Set aside a few minutes everyday. Do not say anything, simply practice thinking about God. This will make your mind spiritually receptive. Then pray orally using simple natural words in your own language. Tell God anything that is on your mind.
Fear is seeing goliath too big to hit, Faith is seeing goliath too big to miss. Learn to live in faith.
Learn to make new mistakes.
Expect the best and get it. Every day as you confront the problems of life, affirm positive results. in doing so, your thoughts will turn towards the best and become conditioned to its realization. This practice will bring all of your energy to focus on the attainment of the best. it will bring the best to you.
Make it a habit to be happy. Who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy? The answer- you do! Create your own happiness by choosing to be happy as much as you can for as long as you can.
Share. Whatever God gives to you, He gives for others.
Take as many pictures as possible.
Failure is never a reason to stop trying. Instead, failure provides another opportunity to enjoy success. Too often we are unwilling to take risks in the present because we have failed in the past. Refuse to be a loser no matter how many times you lose.
Read, read, read. Read!
Your feelings are valid. You have every right to feel whatever emotion you want. You are not overreacting, you're feeling, and that's okay.
No mater what you do, you will always have critics. When are not doing anything, you are not a problem for anyone but when you start fulfilling your dreams and visions, you will attract attention. People do not care about you until you start doing something big.
Tradition is an enemy of potential. The tragedy is that tradition, which probably served its purpose well in the past, prevents the accomplishment of our fullest potential. Do not be imprisoned by the comfort of the known. If you do, your present level of success will be your highest level of success.
Be unapologetically authentic. Whatever that means for you.
You can love them, forgive them, wish good things for them, but still move one without them.
Everything is connected. Every animal, fish, insect, plant or creature is connected to the whole of creation. In essence, each part of God's world in some way balances and enriches the rest. If one species becomes extinct, its death disrupts and impacts the entire eco-system. Take good care of your environment.
There is not a single person out there who can guarantee any person's financial security -except yourself. You must educate yourself financially whether you are married, living with someone or making your own money. You, and only you are responsible you your own economic survival.
Teach so you learn twice.
You are not set in stone. I realized this year that I change all the time. What I liked in my early 20s no longer suits me. I have different tastes, styles, inclinations and routines. There is no set me. I am forever evolving, which is scary sometimes (change is always hard, even within ourselves) but also exciting. I no longer feel set in stone.
Start going to sleep earlier. And nap often.
Cheap is expensive. Invest in good quality items, they last longer
Do not neglect knowledge/wisdom. There is plenty of knowledge around us but unless we apply it to our lives or use it to inform our decisions, it is useless to us.
Practice gratitude daily.