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The Wooden Comb

When I was young, I would only make my hair at mama Brayo's place. She was my mother's friend and the best hair stylist in my neighborhood. She would indulge my imagination but most importantly, she had a gentle touch. Every last Sunday of the month my mother would send my sister and I to her kiosk for years until I cut my hair.

She always said her secret weapon was her wooden comb. This comb that looked like it had been used for ages. I never thought much of it until now that I am trying to grow my hair back to way it was.

Like me, many of you probably have not thought much about the materials of your everyday combs/ brushes either. Chances are, its plastic. In today’s market, plastic is abundantly used, but plastic doesn’t offer your hair strands anything special. The wooden comb on the other hand....

If you’ve never used a wooden comb, you’re missing out! The first time running that smooth, polished comb through your hair is bliss! Immediately after combing your hair with it, you’ll be asking yourself how in the heck you missed this!?

Should you decide to start using a wooden comb-and I hope you do- here is a list of benefits:

Wooden combs look cool

There, I said it! Before we dive in with all the other advantages, there is something comforting about grooming with a hand-crafted wooden comb. And it comes in many beautiful designs.

The wooden comb is like artwork.

Has a sustainable source

If you care for the environment, bamboo combs are the way to go. Bamboo can be grown all over the world, plus it grows at a fast pace. With that, you’ll have peace of mind that your comb came from a sustainable source that will not harm the environment.

Suitable for all types of hair

Wood is a natural material so it is not likely to stimulate allergies or skin conditions that using plastic and metal combs can aggravate.

No matter your hair type, you will be able to reap the benefits of the wooden comb.

It's monolithic design

Wooden combs are made from a single piece of wood.The wood is cleaned and given its outer shape with the help of a file. It has no joints and doesn’t require any chemical adhesive while manufacturing. This monolithic design helps the comb to last longer and avoids breakage during everyday use.

Gentle on your hair

Wooden combs are soft and polished. They have a much softer feel than plastic or metal combs. If you have a sensitive scalp, wooden combs can prevent bruising or scraping on your scalp.

They are also great in removing knots and tangles without too much pulling. The teeth glide smoothly into the hair. This translates to less hair fall and pain in the scalp.

Boosts blood circulation

The scalp likes the feel of the wood (it has a soft feel) which increases blood circulation and healthy oil production.

Wooden combs are also much more easier to hold than plastic combs which can slip from hand.

Naturally nourishes hair

Oftentimes, plastic and metal brushes are rough on the scalp. They create static that steals away the natural oils your body creates to give your hair elasticity, strength, and shine.

Wooden combs are carbon based, just like your hair, skin and scalp. Since both hair and wood have a negative electrical charge, this makes combing easier and it allows you to style without extra effort because it helps your hair lay down and gives it a smooth and glossy look.

Encourages hair growth

We often comb longer with a wooden comb because it feels so good. The massaging action stimulates the follicles to produce more hair strands, increasing hair growth and producing thicker hair.

A perfect gift

Wooden combs signifies health and happiness. Therefore, when you gift a wooden comb, you wish longevity and good health to the recipient.


Clean them regularly, and they’ll last for a lifetime.

Keep your wooden comb clean by removing any hair from your comb after using.

Store it on a dry place

Over time, water can destroy the health of wood and bathrooms can be one of the most humid rooms. I like to keep mine inside my bag or bedside drawer.

Occasional upkeep and maintenance of your wood comb

Rub coconut oil onto it and let sit for half an hour until the oil has soaked into the wood. Then gently wipe with a soft cloth.

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