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Sustainable Hangouts

Have you heard about the #AnatomyOfAction challenge that will be running from July 5th to July 7th, 2021. The challenge was born out of a partnership project between United Nations Environment program and the Unshool of disruptive Design to define and communicate the most positively impactful actions anyone of us can take to add to the global movement around achieving the sustainable development goals.

People around the world are encouraged to take part by ditching disposables, switching to reusables, swapping to sustainable energy and many other sustainable lifestyle options. I will definitely do my part in this and I want to go a little further and share an idea that has been brewing in my mind for a little while. Sustainable hangouts. Hear me out!

You separate your recycling each week, you’ve ditched disposables and you are never without your reusable water bottle, but doing your bit for the planet doesn't have to stop at home. So many social activities are centered around consumption. For example; going for drinks with friends, brunch with the girls, shopping with your family or date night with your spouse at a fancy restaurant . Challenge yourself is July by looking for restaurants that bring in a little Eco-innovation with everything from zero-waste menus to up-cycled interiors bars that have purged plastic straws.

Go further by trying out hangout ideas that do not revolve around consumerism. Can we have cloth mending parties? or clothe swaps? How about books swaps? I would love to meet people to cook together, write letters, take pictures, read together, garden or even just lie in the grass under the sun and chat as we listen to music.

It would not only be good for the environment but our pockets and mental health. I don't know about you but I don't understand how I am expected to work 40+ hours a week, work on my blog to try and generate multiple incomes, do my family's laundry and utensils regularly, change my sheets often, remember people's birthdays and be an active member of society!! How?! There are not enough hours of the day, not even enough weekends!

Sustainable hangouts are my dream of better. You get to create meaningful connections while improving yourself and the environment. If you love this ideas, let's be friends💚💚



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