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My Favorite Products

Here are a few of my current favorite products;


I am a sucker for beautiful packaging but the glass water bottle is especially good for the environment and your pocket.

Did you know that one million plastic bottles are bought every minute around the world? Crazy, right?! What’s even more shocking is that this figure is expected to grow a whopping 20% by by 2021, creating an environmental crisis.

If you want to reduce your contribution to the plastic waste problem, buy the glass water bottle once and refill it everyday.

Check it out here.


Arimis Milking Jelly is pure petrolatum(unprocessed petroleum jelly), a key ingredient in a variety of lotions and moisturizing skin products.

I use it to moisturize my whole body although it was made for use on cow’s udders before the process of milking.

It is an essential in most Kenyan homes because not only is it cheaper than other brands of petroleum jelly, but it's great testimonials are endless, from all ages.


Aloe Vera gel is good for everything under the sun, literally. From healing sunburn to allergic reactions. I use it as a primer. I apply it before my make up using my fingertips to create an ideal canvas to hold onto whatever makeup comes afterward — like foundation or concealer.

Using primer underneath your makeup will make everything last longer and in place, as well as moisturize and blur pores to near invisibility.


I have asthma, so perfumes are a no-no for me. But I still wanted to smell really good, maybe even build up a signature scent. So I did my research and discovered fragrance lotions.

The fragrance in the lotions are not very strong, lasts long and when you are up close to someone, you give off a pleasant and soft scent. The chances of overdoing it as far as being overpowered by fragrance, are slim. And because lotions are not comprised of alcohol, they make the skin smoother instead of drying it out. I use Victoria Secret Angle Gold Fragrance lotion.


Dettol sanitazer feels like the OG of sanitizers in a time where sanitizers brands are popping up everyday. Call me jaded, but not all of them are actually tested and approved for consumption. Or even worse you could be using a random scented liquid. Living in Nairobi has taught me to know better.

Stay woke.


My mother always insisted I develop good skin care routines like moisturizing early, so they carry me on through my later years.

I did not pay much attention but now, my growing older has bought with it a newfound devotion to skin care.

I use the Estee Lauder skin tone correcting moisturizer everyday before bed. It was gifted to me at an event hosted by Ogake Bridal x Estee Lauder at this time last year.

What are some of your favorite products? Let me know in the comment section.



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