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My Favorite Little Prayer

Whenever I'm putting words to the message of my weekly blog posts, I pretended that you and I are sitting together in an aesthetically pleasing little coffee shop. We were sipping on our steaming, foamy concoctions, looking each other in the eye, and having a heart-to-heart conversation. For hours and hours, as other customers enter and exit the little café, we continue talking. We are unaware of time and oblivious to our surroundings. As our coffee mugs slowly emptied, you told me your story. And I told you mine. You shared your questions, struggles, fears, and victories. And I shared mine. I felt an amazing connection with you as my mind's eye saw us sharing and listening and laughing and crying together.

This is the imagination I have that inspires the words and writing style of these blog posts. I pray that as you read each post, you will not feel as if you are reading an impersonal documentary or an advice column written to the masses. Instead, it is my desire that you will feel as I did when I wrote it—that we are simply two friends, sitting in a coffee shop, having an open, honest, heartfelt talk.

Many of my blog post are inspired by the wisdom I have acquired from years of wellness coaching in the personal development industry, as well as my own healing and self-discovery- I share quite a few stories from the growing-up years of my life. You may be well past those years of your life as you read about them. You may have experienced things differently than I did growing up. But I hope that the truths and principles illustrated through the stories shared in this blog will speak to you no matter what your age or history. Most of all, it is my prayer that the message will stir within you a longing for your own healing, growth and transformation. My hope is that this blog will lead you closer to ultimate wellness and self-actualization. My desire is that the messages of this blog will impact your life as profoundly as it has mine.

I am truly excited to share this journey with you. So grab your coffee mug, fill it with your favorite drink, pull up a comfortable chair, and let today's heart-to-heart adventure begin!

On the 24th of March, 2024, a day that seemed to carry the weight of an entire year, I found myself engulfed in a sense of weariness that seemed to have settled deep within my bones. The week had not been kind to me, culminating in a significant mistake made with a major client that left me feeling dejected and disheartened. Despite the client's understanding and graciousness, I struggled to forgive myself for the error, the weight of it pressing down on me even in the dead of night.

As the clock struck three in the morning, a wave of panic washed over me, the fear that I had sent the wrong file haunting my thoughts. Anxiety and uncertainty gripped me tightly, refusing to let go. In that moment of darkness and doubt, I whispered to myself, "I will be okay. I'm strong and resilient," hoping to find solace in those words, if only for a fleeting moment.

However, my fleeting sense of relief was soon overshadowed by a downward spiral of negative thoughts, anxiety, and a deepening sense of despair. It was in that moment of darkness that a glimmer of realization shone through - what I needed was not within my own grasp. I yearned for a breath of fresh air, a touch of love, acceptance, and healing that could only come from a higher power.

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded by doubt, I made a choice that felt both daunting and necessary - to seek help. And so, in a moment of vulnerability and surrender, I uttered a simple yet profound prayer, "Dear Heavenly Father, Please heal my fear-based thoughts," a plea that seemed to emerge from the depths of my soul.

Little did I know that this humble prayer would mark a turning point in my journey. In the aftermath of that moment of surrender, a transformation began to unfold. A newfound sense of peace, creativity, and a radiant smile graced my being, dispelling the shadows of anxiety and depression that had clouded my days.

Despite the challenges and difficult decisions that lay ahead, I found myself standing on firmer ground, no longer shackled by fear or doubt. In the quiet resilience of that prayer, I discovered a wellspring of strength and grace that carried me through the storm, guiding me towards a place of healing and wholeness.

I'm not the type of person who typically asks someone to pray. That's always seemed preachy, personal, and presumptuous. In fact, I have even bristled slightly at the word “prayer”—along with “God,” “Jesus,” and the “Holy Spirit”—because those words have such particular meanings to each individual, and my understanding might be very different from my neighbor's.

I'm not a theologian either; in fact, I have found most of my spiritual sustenance outside traditional religion. I believe we are returning to a time when we understand and value our individual connection to the divine. Each of us has a direct relationship with a higher power, and it's by calling on and developing that relationship that we can experience what might be called miraculous changes in our lives. But here I am, asking you to pray.

I believe that when you use the prayer, you'll experience steady progress toward a life of greater internal peace. Much of the drama and chaos around you will subside. And what remains will have less impact on you, bouncing off of you because you are no longer a willing host. As crazy as it sounds, I think this prayer is an answer to prayer. It's a path to a better life. And it's the simplest thing possible. Now all we have to do is actually use it.

Here are some other prayers I have been reciting recently;

In the Living Room:

Mark 9:37 - “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”

Prayer for the living room: “Lord, we invite you to be Lord of this home. Enter and bring your holiness. If any darkness has entered in the past, cleanse it by your presence. Heal the hearts of all who dwell and visit here. Amen.”

In the Study or Library:

Rom. 12:2 - “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” .

Prayer for the study: “Guard our hearts and minds, Father. Keep them stayed on you. Amen.”

In the Kitchen:

John 6:27 - “Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you” .

Prayer for the kitchen: “Thank you for being the True Bread that nourishes us.”

In the Bedroom:

Psalms. 4:8 - “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”

Prayer for the bedroom: “Bless us as we sleep and dream in safety.”

In the Guest Room:

Romans 12:13 - “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality”

Prayer for the guest room: “We praise you for the gift of shelter. Give your rest and peace to those who share our home.”

On days when my life seems tiring or boring, all I have to do is remember where it is headed and I find myself becoming excited. All I have to do is to remember that that God has great plans for me and my joy is restored. If you loved this article, you may also love A Prayer For God's Strongest, A Queen's Affirmations and Letter To My Future Self.

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