In life there are very few things that we have real control over. One of them is our appearance. This may seem trivial but the truth is that every time we let our appearance go we let our opportunity to control our fate. Taking the time and effort to dress well has a marked daily effect on mood and self-esteem as well.
When I think of my fashion statement currently, it would the Ankara/Kitenge pencil skirt paired with a white blouse and bright- coloured pumps.
Sure, this is the decade of dress down, but ask yourself honestly: Do you feel great if you dress down or do you feel less than your best?

Apart from the fact that I have a drawer full of Ankara and Kitenge material ( gifted through the years), I like them because the Ankara print is recognized as a fashion and cultural statement all over the whole.
And the Ankara pencil skirt especially has a festive and bold appeal that speaks to me. You can play around with it and wear it for a number of occasions all through the year. It all depends on your style and creativity for mixing and matching.

The print paired with a white shirt/top/Tshirt/blouse gives a nice silhouette for almost all body types, its my favorite.

No matter your reasons for wanting to make a fashion statement, stay true to yourself. Choose clothes that reflect who you are, regardless of fashion trends. Marching to the beat of your own drum is the best way to best express yourself. Even if by nature you are a modest person. Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.
