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Living in Nairobi

Let me tell you a little about my favorite city, Nairobi.

I have lived in Nairobi for more than 10 years and I have learnt that like any other city, Nairobi can bring amazing opportunities and adventures. These are some of the pictures I took while making memories, its mostly pictures of delicious food taken with my phone.

But it can also have its challenges when you just trying to live your best life. Below are some of my top essentials when it comes to living in the concert jungle. Hope it helps you maximize your adventure in the beautiful city of Nairobi while saving you some coin.


I think the best thing about living in Nairobi is the abundance of good eats. Having endless dining options means never getting bored of what you eat, amazing hang outs with friends and family and always having a chance to try something new. The not-so-great part? I don't have money to eat all of them whenever I want. So here is where DISCOUCHER comes through for me.

I met Sharon, the woman behind DISCOUCHER in a networking event in 2017 when she pitched it to my colleagues and I. All about this book of discounted coupons/vouchers for meals, desserts, accommodation, spa treatments and so much more. Now, it's an essential.

It's buy one get one free concept is genius. And now you don't have to carry around the book because they have an App. I have shared some of my experiences with you for the 2019 edition on Instagram. Got check that out!

How it works you ask?

Its a buy one get one free for dining, accommodation and other amazing deals in different establishments all over Nairobi(and a few in Mombasa). It goes for two thousand shillings but trust me it pays for itself once you redeem the first two vouchers.


From Sunday-Funday plans, foodie events, parties, networking events,hiking clubs, fitness groups to travel buddies, you will definitely find it in Nairobi. No matter your interests, you will find a social gathering where you’ll connect with others doing what you love!

And if you have FOMO, this is for you. Check sites like TUKO , Kenyabuzz to keep up.


A really cool thing about Nairobi is that there is a 'matatu' to take you everywhere in the city at almost all hours of the day due to its vast public transport networks. It’s not only easy to get anywhere with public transportation but its a whole experience. The Matatu culture in Nairobi is pure art.

Visit Matwanaculture to learn more.

You can also use any taxi app. Except for one little thing: cabbing it everywhere can get pricey. Then you can take 'nduthis' (motorbikes) or just maybe......Try, walking or running.

Obviously, this is not always an option, but when it is, especially during warmer months, I love to get out and walk wherever we’re going. It’s great exercise, a nice way to relax and saves on fuel and parking expenses too! And its better for the environment.


Nairobi is filled with farmers markets. And the best part is, you get to know where it was grown, how and sometimes if it the farmer selling, you get it straight from the farm. At affordable prices.



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