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Lessons I Learnt While Finding Myself

Here are some of the lessons I learnt while finding myself during my wellness journey;

Courage changes everything

A vision is only ever as courageous as those who make it a reality. We are all filled with ideas and dreams but only a few of them materialize because nothing needs more courage than change.

Do not ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.

Do not take yourself too seriously. Or life. The main thing is that you follow your own path. Not simply continuing down the chosen path, but forever reinventing yourself along the way. Doing things different.

I am not set in stone

I realized this year that I change all the time. What I liked in my early 20s no longer suits me. I have different tastes, styles, inclinations and routines. There is no set me. I am forever evolving, which is scary sometimes (change is always hard, even within ourselves) but also exciting. I no longer feel set in stone. Everyday I have this feeling of 'a fool that just woke up or came to realization' and the next day is a chance to be a better self.

Take the pressure off of you by understanding that you are an ever evolving being.

There will always be someone with more than you and someone with less than you.

Live within your means and help others where you can.

Laugh now because you will laugh later.

Learning that I’m okay with just me was a great gift I was able to give myself

Total dependence on others can be dangerous to your health

Its great when people believe in us, cheer us on and make us feel valuable. We love it when our spouses compliment us, a friend is there to give encouragement or a co-worker goes out of their way to help us. God uses people to push us to our destiny. But you can't be so dependent on people that you are getting your worth and value from how they treat you. You should not rely on people to always be there to validate you, keep you feeling good about yourself and make you feel approved. If they don't meet all of our expectation, we get discouraged, feel inferior and try and do the most to get approval. The problem is you are trying to get from people what only God can give. Your worth and value does not come from another person, it comes from your Creator, das it!

Living in the past will give you depression, living in the future will give you anxiety.

Learn to live in the present

No isn't a dirty word

As a people-pleaser and an empath, I had long struggled with creating healthy boundaries. Give me the choice of helping someone else achieve their goals, redo their wardrobe, go out and redo a bad day, I’m likely in. You see, I like to be helpful. I like to be social. I like to learn and listen. Mostly good things. But at times, all of this YES energy can prevent me from making progress on my own goals + dreams, as I find myself filling my days with anything but my own to-dos. So 'No' isn't a dirty word. No, I can't make it.

All experiences can be broken down to Physics or Biology.

Again, take the pressure off yourself. Others have been where you are.

Be brave enough to be imperfect in front of people sometimes.

And when it gets hard, remember that everyone is winging it, as I am.

Its easy to have nothing when you are alone

Your paycheck only supports you today,its what you save and invest that supports you tomorrow. As a millennial, am aware of my privilege of information and the guilty pleasure that is quick gratification. We are at risk of not retiring. Ignoring this reality doesn't work, not if you want to end up self-sufficient and secure.

Do not let your thoughts push you around, Learn to push your thoughts around

Let us discuss this one in person sometime.

Start juicing.

As much as you can, as often as you can.

Start with juicing fruits, then try vegetables smoothies and you can add nuts or anything you like really. Your future you will thank you.

Many of us are juggling dual roles

Nowadays woman are mothers and business women, home makers and heart surgeons, daughters/mothers and entertainers, executive's wives and executives. Everybody is juggling a few roles here and there, some kindness and understanding to yourself and others a goes a long way.



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