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Knowing The Past To Understand The Present & Plan for The Future

It happened when I was seven. Somewhere between my encounter with the breathtaking heroine Barbie and my dad gifting me with my first brown teddy bear, Michal (who thanks to our local fundi came complete with three beautiful dresses), I made my decision. Somewhere between watching the lovely Sleeping Beauty and my mother telling me of the story Queen Esther from the Bible, I decided beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up…a beautiful princess. The fact that princesses were unheard-of in my neighborhood did not bother me. I was convinced that somehow, someway, someday I would become one. It was not that I considered myself especially beautiful or princess-like, it was the promise of a happily ever after that caught my attention.

Much more than a team of beauticians at my disposal, perfectly polished nails and eternally good hair days, it seemed to me that the really necessary requirement for becoming a princess was to find a noble prince: a knight in shining armor who would consider me the most desirable girl in the world, sweep me off my feet, rescue me from peril, carry me away to his castle, and cherishing me forever. Sleeping Beauty had Prince Charming. Malibu Barbie had Ken. Even my beautiful mother had my handsome father wrapped around her finger. And I, Nyatichi, would have my own version of prince charming.

Finding a prince of my own seemed like a reasonable goal. It was a childish dream, a girlish desire that budded in my heart long before I knew anything about the real world. But for some inexplicable reason, it was a dream that I longed to come true more than I had ever longed for anything in my entire life. I desperately wanted to become a princess. It was a dream that I treasured, even as I grew older. It was a desire that remained rooted deep within my heart long after my Barbie dolls and teddy bears were packed away in cartoon in the garage along with the other toys I had outgrown.

Years into adulthood, the dream begun to evolve.

Reflecting back on my growing-up years, I can recall certain defining moments—little experiences that subtly altered my thinking and also stealthily changed my course. One such moment that stands out is my time in college. Back then, my dreams and aspirations were centered around fashion. With a love for style and thifting, my dream was simple, even if it’s grandiose: a lavish closet with hundreds of beautiful shoes and bags. Some diamond won't have hurt either hurt either.

However, as time passed and I gained more life experience, my perspective shifted. I started to appreciate the importance of personal growth, meaningful relationships, and contributing positively to the world around me. The dream of material wealth gradually transformed into a more holistic vision of success that encompassed not only financial stability but also emotional fulfillment, intellectual growth, and making a difference in the lives of others.

This evolution in my thinking was not sudden but rather a gradual process influenced by various encounters, challenges, and self-reflection. I began to realize that true happiness and fulfillment stem from a deeper sense of purpose and connection with oneself and others, rather than just the accumulation of wealth or possessions. This shift in mindset opened up new possibilities and avenues for personal development, leading me on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement that continues to this day.

Reflecting on the diverse dreams and aspirations I once held, I find myself contemplating the intricate tapestry of my past self's ambitions. It is a curious journey to trace the evolution of these aspirations, for in hindsight, I see how some of those lofty dreams have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of my reality today. The sparking tiara I wore on my wedding day to match my spectacular wedding dress. My career as a creative. The exotic heels lined up on the floor of my bedroom.

The passage of time has a way of imparting wisdom and perspective, allowing me to appreciate the significance of those aspirations in shaping my present circumstances. Indeed, as the adage goes, "the past gives context." Each dream, no matter how grand or seemingly unattainable, served as a guiding light illuminating my path forward. They were the seeds from which my current reality blossomed, reminding me of the power of vision and perseverance. In revisiting these dreams, I am reminded of the resilience and determination that propelled me towards actualizing them.

What narratives does your past hold?

Sometimes we overlook that simple thing called the “Past”. I have noticed that many people don't pay much attention to it or think it's important. We are all so caught up in the present and what's coming next. What we fail to realize is that the past is full of valuable information, wisdom, and experiences that we couldn't gather in a lifetime. Yet, despite knowing all this, many of us don't dive deep into it... and I'm not just talking about our own past, but the history of entire countries, nations, and civilizations.

If you flip through the history books, you will see that human civilization is like a recurring pattern. Different times, different places, different people... but the same story with a slight twist. It makes me wonder, if people had actually learned, understood, and analyzed the past, would they have made different choices?

Wouldn't it be more useful if, when facing any issue in life (whether personal, career-related, political, national, etc.), we knew what had happened in similar situations in the past and acted accordingly? Instead of just relying on our feelings, preferences, and what others say?

Think about where we are today... it's basically the result of events, plans, and decisions made in the past. To truly grasp our current position in life, it's crucial to understand what our predecessors did and why.

Now, let's take it a step further (hypothetically). By reflecting on the past and gaining a better understanding of the present, we can see the bigger picture and many hidden details of the once unclear future. This way, we can comprehend our place in the world, our connections with others, and how we contribute to the progress of civilization and where it might lead in the future.

I could go on contemplating and writing for hours, but I don't want to bore you. Instead, I encourage you to think about this and share your thoughts with me.

To wrap it up, here's a quote for you to ponder over...

“The past is a mental, intellectual construct meant to give context to your present perceptions. There has never been a moment in your entire life in which the past has been anything else; I challenge you to find one.”

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