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a plant growing from a dark background

I Live Somewhere in the Clouds

In my neighborhood, there is a large rock with three rocks on top named Kit-Mikayi. It means ‘first wife’s rocks’ in Dholuo local language. Let me take you.

Kit Mikayi’s topography is fascinating and one of its kind. It is part of the natural landscape and has spawned many oral traditions throughout the ages, many of which try to explain how the seemingly gravity-defying rocks formed.

There is a legend about a man who was in love with the stone. He could wake up in the morning and walk into the cave inside the stone and stay there the whole day forcing his wife to bring him breakfast and lunch every day. The old man become passionately in love with this stone to the extent that if somebody asked his wife the of his whereabouts , the wife would answer that he has gone to visit his first wife-Mikayi hence the stone of the first wife is Kit Mikayi.

Such an extraordinary sight. Made of stone, soil, water and vegetation. Ordinary things manifesting as the extraordinary. The extraordinary nature of the ordinary things.

Ordinary things like you and me?

It haunts me that in all the civilizations that have existed since the beginning, there has never been a me, as I am in this present moment. We, as humans are part of nature's most extraordinary creations. I imagine Nature striving to create a unique individual each time after having created billions before. Surely, it must mean something. It must mean everything.

And how disappointing it must be that a lot of us don't give ourselves permission to be all that we can be. We strive to be normal, to fit in, to be validated.

My challenge to you is this: Give yourself permission to do something extraordinary in your own terms.

If you have been making choice decisions from a place of desperation/ survival, you may have backed yourself into a corner,a prison. I challenge you to take back control of your life and break the pattern. The instant you take control, interesting things will happen.

To discover your extraordinary nature, sit alone somewhere and start by asking yourself these three questions; 1. What do I feel deeply inspired by? Make a list of everything you can think of that inspires you. Think of them as activities you get "lost" in. What brings you joy? What is it that you can't wait to get out of bed for? 2. What am I particularly talented at? Yes, you have some talent. This is no time to be humble. List them all out. Right now your brain will say, "I don't have any talents." I'm telling you, "Yes you do." 3. What meets a significant need in my world? Finding meaning in the mundane is just a matter of knowing where to look, your world. Once you do, you will be full of so much energy just by serving something bigger than yourself. I know that your talent, when acted on, can impact someone in a positive way. Just keep in mind, it will be rocky.



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