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I Hope You Fail

Failure carries heavy stigma and it seems that we do our best to avoid it. We are even afraid to admit when we are struggling because we do not want to be seen as complaining or failing.

But this behavior is remarkably different from the Silicon Valley mentality. In America, entrepreneurs love talking about failure. “Fail fast, fail often” has become a mantra of Silicon Valley, where fortunes are made by people who only years prior had crashed a well-funded startup into the ground. For them, failure has become almost a badge of pride — an experience recast as a lesson learned, a skin thickened, an entrepreneur seasoned and more fully prepared to succeed.

When I think back to my latest life changing failure( because I make those quite often), I wanted to run.

I remember people's disappointment in disappointment in me. I thought it was the end for me. But it never is, is it?

We learn that mistake are bad and we are punished for making them. Yet if you look at the way human beings learn, it is by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down countless times. If we never fell down, we would never walk. The same is true with riding a bike. I still have scars on my knees but today I can ride a bike without thinking.

Remember failure is part of the process of success. If you avoid failure, you avoid success. Failure is where all the lesson are. And those who succeed do not stop at one failure, they do not stop at 10 failures, or 20. They do whatever it takes to not to quit on the dream until it is a reality.

Also, never write yourself off because of your failures. You do not become a lesser human being because you have failed. People who are very successful have been where you are so take heart and move on in faith.

So I hope you fail. I hope you fail early, fail often and fail forward. So you learn that the destination of our lives, whilst important, isn’t the point. The point of life is the journey.The point is living a great story. Embracing challenges and making the difficult choices.



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