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Confidently Lost

Like millions of people across the world, the Covid-19 pandemic turned my life upside down. On some days, I am still the strong independent woman that made her own money, paid her own bills, and provided her cat with a luxurious lifestyle. Other times however, I am a nervous wreck with no clear plan for the future.

I remember sitting on the front porch with my brother making plans for when we were adults. By the time we turned thirty, we were going to get a fancy apartments in the same neighborhood where our kids would play together. I was going to own my own clothing line and make a million Kenya Shillings (Because a a million Kenya Shillings was the largest amount of money I could think of as a kid). We thought everything was going to be simple and couldn’t wait to leave our childhood ways behind us.

But at the age of twenty nine, I am more child than adult is so many ways. I spend most of my free time exploring my curiosity and indulging imagination. I laugh way hard and too much, and am even as ticklish as I was when I was 17years. My mother can still easily bribe me with my favorite foods, a habit my husband has also picked up. I spend most of my free time exploring my curiosity and indulging imagination. And I make mistakes often. I laugh way hard and cry often. I may not be as naive, but I have a long way to go in regards to wisdom. II may not be as naive, but I have a long way to go in regards to wisdom.

I still make mistakes often. In fact, here are some of them;

  1. I have opinions about right and wrong, yet I will not always stand firm when faced with a persuasive person.

  2. I can be motivated by guilt.

  3. Oversharing.

  4. Over-explaining myself.

  5. It really bothers me if I have upset someone.

  6. I feel that I try harder to make relationships work than others do.

  7. People would be surprised to know about the resentment that is bottled up inside me.

  8. When another person is angry, I go into the appeaser mode.

  9. If my decisions are called into question, I feel I’d better have a good justification.

  10. When I do something for my own pleasure, I may feel selfish.

  11. Too often, I’ll do someone else’s chores because they won’t do them.

  12. Sometimes I just try too hard to be nice.

  13. I have to tread lightly due to key people who are moody.

  14. It seems as though my world is full of requirements and duties.

  15. With certain people, I find myself measuring my words very carefully.

  16. Even when I am nice to others, it seems they still want more.

  17. There are times when I just give up on being taken seriously or feeling understood.

  18. I can let people determine too much of my schedule or priorities.

  19. Too often, I explain my reasoning over and over, even when it’s obvious that the other person won’t hear what I have to say.

  20. I have stayed in bad relationships long after I knew they were not good for me.

  21. Being firm can be hard for me at times.

  22. It seems, to me, that others will accept me only if I conform to their ways.

Despite all my shortcoming I have a deep love for myself, my journey and my life. I could give myself a huge kiss on the lips of I could. Instead I will give you one.

In the past, I found myself trapped in a never-ending cycle of self-doubt and anxiety, always trying to live up to impossible standards that I believed defined the perfect daughter, sister, friend, and wife. The pressure to be flawless in every role I played consumed me, leaving me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. It was a constant battle to maintain a facade of perfection, and it took a toll on my mental and emotional well-being.

However, as time passed, I gradually came to a profound realization - the pursuit of perfection is a fruitless endeavor. I understood that perfection is an illusion, a mirage that can never be reached no matter how hard one tries. It was a liberating moment when I decided to let go of these unrealistic expectations and embrace my imperfections, flaws, and vulnerabilities.

Now, instead of striving for an unattainable ideal, I have shifted my focus towards personal growth and self-acceptance. I have chosen to be kinder to myself, to celebrate my strengths, and to learn from my mistakes. By accepting myself for who I am, with all my complexities and contradictions, I have found a sense of peace and authenticity that I had never experienced before.

So, here's to embracing the beautiful chaos of being human, to accepting ourselves in all our messy, imperfect glory. Let us raise a toast to the journey of self-discovery, self-love, and self-compassion.

Cheers to embracing the glorious mess that we are!



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