So much has been written on the topic of modesty, and most of it is addressed to single women. But do the standards of modesty change once you’re married? And is it OK for married Christian women to be sexy? I often ponder on this question.
I know most strict Christians think that it is inappropriate for Christians to see themselves as or to be sexy but I wonder, if I were to come home to my husband covered up from head to toe every evening for years, stop wearing make-up and the kind of clothes he finds sexy, would my marriage maintain the passion it has now? Especially since when my husband and I fell in love in my early twenties, I was quite the fashionista.
More importantly, though, I like feeling sexy! It's a boost to my confidence. I would hate to loose the freedom to express myself only to abide to other people's a list of rules on what to wear or what not to wear.
Don't get me wrong, I would like my style to embody my faith and values. I am a Christian woman, and everything I do in terms of my behavior should communicate that fact. When I leave home or post on the blog, modesty means and becomes an opportunity for me to express my priorities, values and personality, without speaking a word.
But here is thing, I also feel left out when I see my role models, fellow bloggers and friends post sexy pictures. Sometimes find myself under pressure to ‘be sexy’ and conform to the world’s concept of what is attractive and appealing to others. I am scared that I am not celebrating my body in it's youth, before I have children or turn 30; which is when most women say your body changes.
When I am older I may not be able to wear a cotton T-shirt dress with a sheered hem with red boots on a Monday afternoon.
So I decided to do it today.

Society says that older women have a responsibility to express community values and priorities by dressing modest and conducting ourselves in a way that portrays a good example to younger girls and I understand. I pray I become a stronger Christian woman as I get older because for now, even as with my worth rooted in Christ, I still struggle with the current beauty standards. My mind still ponders on thoughts about what following Christ means for my wardrobe, as ridiculous as that may sound. Even though I grew up in church, I didn't truly believe in Jesus until a few years ago, at which point I was told that being a Christian woman meant protecting men's minds by the way that I dressed. That's what Jesus wanted. So I lugged a trash bag full of short skirts, dresses, tight shirts, and trousers out of my closet—determined to dress modestly and respect my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. But like many Christian women, sometimes I find that dressing modestly isn't fulfilling. So once I a while I throw on a sexy number so I feel like the beautiful queen I am. Even though my husband adores me when I am modest, once in awhile I like to remind him that he is blessed and highly favored to have a beautiful wife like me.
I am human guys, I am only human!