When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing quite relaxing, soothing and soul lifting than sitting by a warm roaring fire.
It reminds me of my younger days back in the village. Back then, we used the three-stone cooking fire, and my duty was to maintain the fire by blowing on a long hollow mental while my grandmother and mother went about cooking. Maybe that's why I enjoy this experience on a Friday night. The flickering light, crackling sounds, warmth, and a distinctive smell are so comforting.

As the temperatures drop in Nairobi, I thought it would be fun to share some foods you can roast while you are snuggled up with your other half, or family and friends by the fireplace. The experience is cozy but trust me, it is not complete without these foods.
1. Maize
Everyone knows about putting a maize on a stick, and cooking it over the fire. You have probably have done it at least once.
It's my mother-in-law's favorite. After the sabbath, we sit by the fire roasting maize as we chat about anything and everything, sometimes we play games too!
2. Sweet potato
Once all the flames have died down, use long tongs to place your sweet potatoes directly on the fire and flip it every few minutes to avoid burning it. The skin will burn a bit, which is good, but be sure to rotate, so you don’t burn through to the flesh.
Do the same with potatoes.
3. Plantain
These are my favorite. They are especially delicious when the plantain is slightly ripe. Even thinking about it puts a smile on my face!
4. Pineapple
If you’ve never had grilled pineapple, you haven’t seen pineapple at its best. The heat from the fire makes the sugars caramelize on the outside of the fruit, making it so delicious. For a similar, and equally delicious effect, try roasting some pineapple over your fireplace. To prepare, slice the pineapple into large chunks.
5. Marshmallows
Surely marshmallows don’t need to be mentioned in this list, but it felt wrong to leave them out. There’s nothing better than a golden-brown marshmallow roasted over the fire.