From the very moment we enter into this vast and complex world, we are ingrained with the deeply rooted belief that the answers to our deepest questions, the validation we seek, and the profound connection we long for, all lie outside of ourselves. It is as if society, with its subtle conditioning, has taught us to prioritize the needs and expectations of others above our own - be it our beloved spouses, partners, precious children, caring parents, dedicated workmates, or loyal friends. Indeed, this conditioning subtly instills in us a belief in fairy tales, leading us to spend our entire lives relentlessly chasing after the elusive dream of true and lasting happiness.
It is fascinating to reflect upon how, from a tender age, we are primed to follow a predetermined path - a path that society defines as the blueprint for a successful life. This linear path includes milestones such as education, career, marriage, a mortgage, the blessings of raising children, active community involvement, and eventually, the well-deserved reward of retirement. Any deviation from this prescribed path can often result in overwhelming feelings of inadequacy and a deep sense of personal failure, as well as being demonized and being perceived as someone who no longer has a bright future ahead of them.
For example, if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, burnout or any mental disorder that affects your productivity in any way, it is considered a failure of character. You are not strong or resilient enough. Your career is not progressing as fast as your peers... You must have been cursed by a jealous distant relative. Your biological clock is ticking and you still don't have children... You must have been a whore and God is punishing you. You are turning thirty and still don't have a life long partner...There is something wrong with you.
I know for fact that if your life is not progressing fast enough for society, you are constantly defending yourself and fighting for your life in family gatherings and social interactions. Or maybe it's just the men and women I know.
As an adult, there is pressure to adhere to societal norms while also navigating the challenges of balancing multiple responsibilities, from family obligations to professional goals, all while trying to maintain your mental, emotional and physical well-being, in this ecan be overwhelming.
In a society that often perpetuates unrealistic expectations and standards that weigh heavily on our shoulders, we are particularly susceptible to negative self-talk and self-doubt. This is where positive affirmations can be a powerful tool.
Positive affirmations are simple, yet powerful statements that can help shift your mindset from negative to positive. By repeating these statements to yourself regularly, you can start to rewire your brain to focus on your strengths, rather than your weaknesses.
Note: Affirmations can be spoken aloud, written down, or even repeated silently in one’s mind.
Here are some affirmations to prepare you for the coming holidays, and 2024;
“I alone hold the truth of who I am.”
“I am capable of balancing ease and effort in my life.”
“I breath in healing, I exhale the painful things that burden my heart.”
“I am complete as I am, others simply support me.”
“I breathe in trust, I exhale doubt.”
“I am good and getting better.”
“I am growing and I am going at my own pace.”
“I am in charge of how I feel and I choose to feel happy.”
“I am held and supported by those who love me.”
“I am more than my circumstances dictate.”
“I talk to myself as I would a friend.”
“When I release shame, I move into myself more beautifully.”
“When I forgive myself, I free myself.”
“When I feel fear, I feed trust.”
“There is something in this world that only I can do. That is why I am here.”
“There is growth in stillness.”
“My body is beautiful in this moment and at its current size.”
“Letting go creates space for opportunities to come.”
“I strive for joy, not for perfection.”
“I respect the cycle of the seasons.”
“I practice gratitude for all that I have, and all that is yet to come.”
“I nourish myself with kind words and joyful foods.”
“I make time to experience grief and sadness when necessary.”
“I leave room in my life for spontaneity.”
“I have come farther than I would have ever thought possible, and I’m learning along the way.”
“I do not rush through my life, I temper speed with stillness.”
“I can hold two opposing feelings at once, it means I am processing.”
“I can be soft in my heart and firm in my boundaries.”
“I am still learning so it’s okay to make mistakes.”
“I do not have to linger in dark places; there is help for me here.”
Societal pressure can compel us to go to great lengths in order to obtain the missing pieces of our life's puzzle, even if it means settling for less than what our heart truly desires.
However, if we are to break free from the suffocating mold that has left countless women dissatisfied for generations, we must summon the courage to challenge the illusions we have constructed around us and the limiting beliefs passed down to us as wisdom. We must dare to take full responsibility for the circumstances we find ourselves in, knowing that only then can we begin to shape a life that is truly our own, guided by our own deepest desires and loftiest aspirations.
So, I challenge you to go on an intentional healing and self-discovery journey with me. Let us embark on a deep and profound exploration of this intriguing topic in the weekly coaching sessions, shall we? Let us unravel the layers of societal conditioning, delve into the intricate complexities of your own belief systems, and discover the transformative power that lies within you.

Here are the details to the 12week coaching program;

Thanks for the affirmations.