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20 Things About Me

I wanted to write this post so you can learn a little more about me. There is more than just a writer and fashion fanatic here.

So here is a little bit about me:

1. I love to watch Korean, Japanese and Chinese romantic dramas. It all started with Mexican romantic dramas and Indian romance movies...but now I even watch Turkish, Taiwanese and Thailand dramas. My favorite things to watch however, are Korean Historical dramas or Korean thrillers. I could go on but you get the gist.

2. I am married to my best friend. I feel blessed.

3. My first language is my mother-tongue Kisii, then English, then my national language which is Swahili.

I also know a little mandarin {but I’m terrified of speaking it.}.

True story, I only spoke my mother-tongue all through baby class to class two. I said I am from Africa,right? Kenya.

4. I am a Sagittarius.

5. I am also a HUGE introvert. An introverted blogger......hahaha.

6. I started my first business at 17 yrs. I sold thrift-ed clothes out of my room in college.

7. I bite my nails. I really want to stop but I can not help it when I am really nervous. Help?

8. I am not a morning person or a night owl. But if I had to choose, I would rather stay up late than wake up early.

9. My favorite colors are green and red. Yes, I have two favorite colors.

10. I was depressed and anxious but I am in a better space now.I am so proud of my wellness journey and the coping skills I have learnt along the way.

11 . I am obsessed with self-education and self-improvement.

12. In high school, I wrote a romantic thriller called 'the roommate' that got amazing reviews from my classmates. It was handwritten and made from four A4 exercise books glue together.

13. My friends call me Tichi.

14. I talk to myself. When I have a big meeting or presentation, I practice what I am going to say. But I also have arguments, debates, you know...normal stuff.

I know am crazy, but I would not have it any other way.

15. My favorite music genres are Soul, Afro fusion and Hip Hop.

16. According to my eight year old niece, I am “really good with makeup" .

17. I LOVE to laugh.

18. If I had to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be cheese sandwiches.

19. I have wanted to be a blogger ever since I watched Nancy Mwai transition from posting outfit-of-the-day pictures to starting her blog. I watched her recent talk at Centonomy and I am so grateful she is very generous with her ways because I learnt a lot. And Joy Kendi!! I am such a huge fan that I once tried to dye my hair just like hers. I could not pull it off but I thank God we have such successful self-made figures to look up to. I, too hope to inspire someone to do something positive.

20. I am currently a Human Resource Manager with a passion for fashion and wellness.

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