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100 Journal Prompts

My journal has become my best friend, my therapist, and my coach. I write to myself, to my parents, to my past/younger self, and even to God/Mother Earth/the Universe/Source (whatever you want to call your higher power). I write down all the things I am thinking but never saying. I admit to myself what I already know to be true.

It’s been my guide through heartache, healing, life transitions, and finding myself. By putting these deep thoughts, desires and fears down on paper, I acknowledge their presence—and I am one step closer to releasing them, along with each of my failed attempts at control. Most important, I have used the practice of journaling to receive inspiration and gain self-awareness I needed to change my life for the better.

Using my years of experience journaling and designing journals, here are some journal prompts for you;

Hopes, Dreams, & Goals

  • What is something you want to learn how to do?

  • What is something you wish you could know about?

  • What’s your wildest dream?

  • What is something that you are always wishing for?

  • What would you do if money were no object?

  • What is something you wish you could do?

  • What is something you want to do better than you do now?

  • What would your perfect day look like?

  • What did you do this week that brought you closer to your goals?

  • List 25 fun things yo would really like to do this year.

  • What would you do if you know you couldn’t fail?

  • Write out a bucket list, i.e., things you want to do or accomplish before you pass.

  • What place do you wish you could visit right now?

Life’s Moments

  • Tell about something that is beautiful to you.

  • If you could relive one moment from yesterday what would it be? Describe it in detail.

  • What is the best thing that ever happened to you?

  • Tell about something that made you want to do better.

  • Tell about something that made you feel thankful.

  • Describe a childhood memory that you would love to relive.

  • Tell about something that taught you an important lesson.

  • What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

  • What was your favorite toy as a child? Describe the toy, or write about a memory involving it.

  • Describe an accomplishment that you are most proud of.

  • What is the biggest mistake you made this week?

  • What is something you wish you could do over?

  • What is your very first memory?

  • What was your favorite band growing up?

  • Do you remember any of your favorite song lyrics?

  • What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?

  • As a child, who was your favorite relative and why?

Being You

  • What is something that you could teach someone else how to do?

  • Are you superstitious?

  • What are you superstitious about?

  • What is something wonderful that makes you different from everyone else?

  • What is your favorite thing to wear? Why?

  • What is something that you know is true?

  • What scares you?

  • What are some song lyrics that mean something to you?

  • What are the freedoms that you appreciate and why?

  • List a few professions that you wanted to be when you were young. What regrets or thankfulness do you feel about not pursuing each of these professions?

  • What is the most important thing you do every day?

  • What is something you feel really proud of?

  • How do you indulge yourself? Do you need to indulge yourself more often?

  • What holds you back?

  • What is something that makes you really happy?

  • What is your favorite treat?

  • What things do you appreciate today?

  • Who would you trust your deepest secrets to? If no one, then why?

  • What makes you feel vulnerable?

  • Make a list of 10 people you are thankful for being in your life.

  • Write out your favorite quotes.

  • What is your biggest fear?

  • List or journal about all the things you love in life.

Personal Growth

  • What is something you have learned about friendship?

  • Write a letter to your younger self. What would you like him/her to know to prepare for his/her future?

  • Write a letter that you could have received from yourself ten years from now. What would your future self have to tell you?

  • What is something you have learned in a book?

  • What character traits do you need to work on?

  • If you could change one thing about your life to make it better, what would it be?

  • What is something you have learned about being kind?

  • What are your biggest values? How can you portray them more in your daily life?

  • Was there a specific event in your life that inspired you to be a better person?

  • What is something you have learned about telling the truth?

  • Write your obituary as if you died yesterday.

  • How would it look twenty years from now?

  • What is something you have learned about family?

  • Write about five different ways you can become a better person.

  • Tell a story about when you were a beginner (at anything). How far have you come since then?

  • What have you always been curious about?


  • What would you change if you were in charge of the world?

  • Do you believe there is life on other planets? Why?

  • What other point in time do you think you would fare well in? How would your life be different?

  • What does the word ‘miracle’ mean to you?

  • Close your eyes and imagine the kind of world you would like to see. What is it like?

  • If you could be anyone else (fictional or non) for a day, who would it be and why?

  • What would you do if you found yourself suddenly rich?

  • If you had a super power, what would it be?

  • List ten good things and ten bad things you would do with it.

  • Rip out an image from a magazine and glue it into your journal. Then, make up a story about the person or objects in the photo.

  • If you could become a member of any TV family, which would it be and why?

  • Do you own an object of great value to you even though it isn’t worth a lot of money? Write about what it is and why it’s important to you.

  • What would you do if you could live a day without consequences?

Finish the Sentence Life is…

  • One thing I want to accomplish this month is…

  • Nobody knows that I…

  • My favorite place to go is…

  • When I’m happy…

  • The smell of cake makes me think of…

  • I feel ___ years old inside because…

  • If I had no work or other obligations tomorrow, I would…

  • I used to think…

  • Before my time ends…

  • I wish I was…

  • I remember when…

  • 3am feels like…

  • The greatest gift I’ve ever been given…

  • I wonder…

  • I am proud of myself for…

  • I am grateful for…

  • I believe…



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